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If You Realized How Powerful Your Thoughts Are You Would Never Think a Negative Thought Again

Multitasking: Efficient or Not?

Don't get me wrong, the internet is full of useful information and entertainment, but sometimes it is more distracting than helpful. I say this because as I sit here writing this blog, I often think about what TV shows I could be watching on Hulu, what I could be bidding on Ebay, or how I can waste time on Facebook. These sites are great, if you want to watch a TV show, bid on an item, or keep in touch with your friends otherwise, these shows can be a productivity nightmare. These sites are so great of places to waste time at, it takes me, give or take a few minutes and hours, well, let's just say too long to write a 500 word blog. Multitasking is often times a basis for inefficiency and distraction.

Many people think that multitasking is more productive but many of these people could be wrong. Articles that I have seen online and in a few of my classes argue that multitasking is more harmful than good. I understand the point of those against multitasking make, but multitasking is a way of life for most people. Considering that multitasking is now almost a required skill by employers, it is important in today's world. Whether it is efficient is determined by the individual. For instance, I can be writing this blog entry, answering questions at work, and be on Facebook all at the same time. Is that efficient or not? I'd say no. Even if I am not on Facebook, because it definitely makes me much less efficient, but between answering questions and trying to write, juggling the two sometimes doesn't work out. Obviously I am going to be more concentrated on one and the one that I am more concentrated on will receive a better performance. I like to think that they both will be good outputs, and they will be since they are simple tasks.

If we consider something out of proportion, such handling nuclear waste, eating, and trying to train a lama to dance, chances are that the results aren't going to be good. Now obviously you shouldn't do all of those things together. They all require tender care and attention. If we combine the surfing the internet into this situation, then whoever multitasking is doomed!

Like I stated before, many people think that multitasking is efficient. I often multitask at school such as playing a video game and doing homework at the same time. Efficient…no, less stressful…yes. Taking a break from any kind of work is relieving and taking a break from multitasking may even be beneficial to one's health. I'm not talking about an hour or even close to that, but a few minutes here and there helps one to recollect him or herself and focus. Now, some things can be distracting like playing video games or watching TV, because why would I want to go back to writing a paper when I could just relax and have fun? It all depends on the person. We all know what we are capable of and what we expect from others. I suppose reliability is a whole different topic, but multitasking comes down to how efficient and motivated a person is. I'm not sure which really is faster, multitasking or individual projects at a time, but either way, one should be efficient, motivated, and enthusiastic to accomplish a task or tasks much faster.

What Does That Product Do? What? Really? No WAY! I Have to Have Three!

I wanted to take a minute to congratulate all of the people who are making a ridiculous amount of cash due to their corky inventions. Now, I guess when I say corky, I really mean inventions that are useful but that I would have never thought of. When I see these As Seen on TV commercials, I often think to myself, now why would I need that? Who needs a Marvel Inflatable Talking Chair, Thigh Glider, or Bedazzled Kit? I'm sorry if you paid for one of these by the way, HA. I always think about the random stuff that people come up with. It's great! I like to think of the United States as innovative, and when we invent something as cool as the PedEgg, how can we not be deemed awesome!? (Sarcasm)

I often wonder how the people that invent and patent these ideas come up with the ideas. How do you think about something that shocks your belly so that you can get abs like the Contour Belt? Let me guess, one day a man or woman was just sitting on the couch, eating some food, watching tv or whatever, and bingo! Let's make a belt that you can wear around your stomach that does the work for you! It's comical if you think about it. How about another invention? I'm not sure if you guys have seen these, but I used to work in a Walgreens that always had half an isle full of As Seen on TV products, and I guess I'm not surprised that someone came up with the idea to make a divided baking pan for brownies. Apparently the dividers slide out after cooking to make perfect brownies, AWESOME! Now tell me that the person wasn't high when they thought of that? Ha, I'm only kidding, but I'm sure we have all thought about these things and more, I'm just writing them down.

There are thousands of inventions that I wonder about each and every day. Like how the heck did I not think about this? Why can't I think of something sweet that will make me a bunch of money? Seriously, I couldn't think of a machine that dispenses movies? I can't go further than a block without seeing a Redbox around; they are very convenient and I love them by the way, but just stating the obvious. Who doesn't want a SlapChop or a MagicJack? If I had the chance, I know I'd buy two of these just so I would never be without one. Ha, who am I kidding, I want one of everything in the As Seen on TV isle, because apparently it is going to change my life for the better! I am surprised with the amount of money these companies and products make. I suppose they are relatively affordable for the most part, but I am still surprised that people buy things like the BumpIt or the Men's Body Shaper; I think there is something for women that tightens everything up, but why should we deceive others? Don't people know that the only way to truly lose weight and look better is to, might want to sit down for this one so you're not so surprised, Gasp, diet and exercise! Ohhh, I used the d and e words!

I can say that I am a little jealous although I try not to be, and it is a sin! This is my little blog about these products that overflow your TV. I really haven't figured out if the counter of the products left on the channel that sells all sorts of products, I think it is HSN, actually counts down the number that they are selling, but it is a pretty good business technique for sure. Before I forget, obviously I realize that these inventions take time to work the bugs out, evaluated, manufactured, distributed, and everything else. I'm just giving these inventors and innovators my props for being legit. What would I ever do without a Perfect Fit Button or a Topsy Turvy? Last but not least, a helpful site to check out before you buy, As Seen on TV Reviews. Happy Shopping!

Everyone Should Laugh Daily

I just thought about this, but 97% of people who say they laugh daily live more fulfilling and happier lives. 95% of those people laugh before they go to work or engage in any sort of activity. These statistics are stunning. Considering 47.1% of statistics are made up, I'm not sure you should believe what I just said (it's made up), but it's something to think about. Have you ever laughed at something that shouldn't be laughed at, like a car crash or funeral? On second thought, don't answer that. Haha. But let's get down to some cold facts here. I have never once laughed, and felt worse afterword. Okay, so there was this one time but I still like my chances.

Laughter is a drug! So let's all take some drugs!

I've seen a bunch of numbers that say that laughter is good for you. Have you ever heard that laughter is bad for you? I don't think so. I've heard everything from how laughing just 3 times a day can lower your risk of heart disease by 10% to how laughing engages various brain chemicals to make you feel better. Think about it, make yourself fake laugh. You'll probably end up with a smile on your face, thinking about something that is actually funny that you heard, something that happened to you or someone, ect. I'm sure we have all laughed so hard that we felt like we couldn't breathe or felt like we were going to wet our pants. Was that ever because we were sad or disappointed about something? I'm convinced that it is not because of that but because we are happy. Duh right?
Laughing at other peoples' expense is not always right. But what's the world coming to if we can't laugh and make fun of each other. Life shouldn't be taken so seriously all of the time, there is a time and place for that. We need to stop and enjoy the simple things, such as laughing. Sure this sounds corny, but just thinking about it makes me happy. What is life coming to if we can't do something as simple as laughing? Everyone should laugh multiple times daily. I read an article once that a young child laughs on average 200 times daily while adults only laugh, maybe 15 times. Let's think back to when we were younger and careless, we didn't have to worry about rent, mortgages, work, or any other drama of the sort. There's a reason why we laughed so much. I do believe that laughter can work wonders.
If you need some suggestions, I like to visit these sites every once and a while to catch a quick laugh or tear up:

• FailBlog
• Not Always
• Urban Dictionary
• Texts from Last Night
• Youtube
• College

Sure, some of these sites are a bit immature and they are not always clean, but where's the harm in that. I know it's sad to laugh at others' expense, but like I said, if we can't laugh at ourselves and each other then what is the world coming to?
Next time you need a pick me up, laugh!

I Want My Free Money Too!

I happened to come across another interesting article on's news page titled Judge OKs iPhone lawsuit against Apple, AT&T. The article discusses that a judge in San Jose, California recently approved a lawsuit involving AT&T and Apple. Apparently iPhone buyers are suing AT&T and Apple because they believe that the companies are treating the iPhone and cell phone services as a monopoly. This is partly true since only iPhones can be used on AT&T's network and that it controls the applications on the iPhone also. Supposedly, Apple made AT&T its sole iPhone partner for five years. Apparently anyone who has bought an iPhone since its release in 2007 can be apart of the lawsuit because the companies violated antitrust laws; let me remind you that the iPhone has sold over 50 million devices.

I'm not sure about what others think about this, but it made me laugh when I first read the article. I'm sure other people may feel differently about the subject, but I think that people are pathetic. I can understand if people are mad that their rates increased, but if one is in a contract, then it shouldn't matter. Considering that these people did enter a law-binding contract, it is their own faults for not reading the fine print or other stipulations if their rates did rise. I don't see what the big deal is. People are trying to fish for money any way they can, and quite frankly, it's pathetic. Don't purchase an iPhone or a data plan if you can't afford it in the first place. Now, I'm not saying that one should just pay whatever, but people need to think about purchases before going out and making an impulse buy. People shouldn't punish Apple for being innovative and practicing good business, whether it be ethical or not. It seems as if people are mad that AT&T is the only service for the iPhone. Let me remind you, patents are unique items, should we sue each one of them for being unique? No, that's absurd. The iPhone has so many knockoffs that are similar, if not better, that people shouldn't have any room to complain.

It's not that hard to figure out. Don't purchase anything if you can't afford it. Don't enter into law-binding contracts if you don't fully read them or plan to stick with them. People are too dumb nowadays and realize that once there are screwed, they try and find any way out of it. This case kind of sounds like that, people trying to think of ways to get money. It reminds me of the person who sued McDonald's for their coffee being 'too hot' when the cups are clearly labely 'caution: contents may be hot.' I know you can get iced whatever these days but who the hell orders a cold plain coffee? DUHHH people! Don't get me wrong, I like to think about ways I can get free money too, but I don't often enact those though up plans. The fact is that these people suing Apple and AT&T should be slapped in the face. If you don't like your service provider, then pay the costs to violate the contract and switch. If your rates are so high from the last company, then you will save money in the long run by switching. A person can get whatever phone he or she wants, so choose wisely, and remember, you don't always have to have the first-rate, name brand, and popular phone. Other phones work just as well for the same purposes. Maybe I'm completely wrong and there is more to this case than I think, but it sounds really simple. I'd be surprised if these people receive any money, and frankly, I'd be disappointed if they did. I'd like to get free money for my arrogance and lack of awareness if that's the case.

People Need to Look in the Mirror Before Judging Others

I was checking my e-mail today on and noticed an article in their slideshow titled, Am I Too Big for Love? I thought to myself, why do people write such stories? I then began to think about how our society is the way it is today. We are so materialistic, complex, and unsatisfied with everything, I'm surprised we can even live amongst each other. I find it sad that we need to write article about things like this. When will people learn that each individual is beautiful in her or his own right? I think obesity in America is becoming an epidemic and I don't think that it is a way to go through life. But my statement makes has its own opinion. Some individuals need to realize that everyone is entitled to her or his own opinion and sometimes those opinions are not appropriate to reveal.

I am a hypocrite, because I have and do judge people. It is sad to think about. I am not perfect so what place do I have to judge other people? I sin everyday and ask forgiveness just the like but that does not make it any better. I have my own preferences, opinions, and ideas about how one should do this or that, but that does not mean it is the right way. Socially, we have become accustomed to thinking beautiful is a big breasted model in a Victoria's Secret Magazine. So who deemed that sexy? Obviously one can agree with the statement that they are pretty, but I'm just saying that individuals do not need to necessarily discriminate against others because they do not look or feel the same way.

I can understand that it is hard to put yourself in someone else's shoes but maybe we all need to try it.

I think that it would help greatly. I also think that individuals have more to worry about than judging other people. We all believe in something and if you don't, then you are lost and you need to find God.

I have my own opinions and beliefs about right and wrong, but I try not to judge other people.

I was reading davidh's blog and he stated that we are never satisfied. It's true. Like he said, if it hot, we'd want cooler weather. If it were cold, we'd want warmer weather. If it were raining, we'd want it to stop, and if it hadn't rained in a while, we'd want it to rain and so on. The same thing goes for a countless number of other things. It is in human nature to want more and strive for perfection. Another example would be the article I mentioned. If a guy had a hot wife, he'd want something else like a big house or a nice car. Or if he had a overweight wife, he'd want he to be less fat. The same goes for women as they'd most likely want the same things.

I think people need to some time out once in a while and enjoy the simple things. Life is more than money and popularity. We shouldn't judge others nor should we treat them how we wouldn't want to be treated. As a Christian, I am supposed to spread the word of the Lord and his blessings. I know I don't do a very good job of that, but I pray that God continues to work with me. I find it sad that many individuals and myself get caught up in things that don't matter: drama, hate, greed, and envy, among many other things. We need to take time to enjoy life, not critique it.

Athletes Should be Judged on More Than Their Playing Ability

I'm sure most of you have been hearing about the hype surrounding Lebron James. He is expected to announce what team he will be playing for tonight, 7/8/2010 at 9 p.m. eastern time. James has been busy in the last week, meeting with a number of teams. I think it is funny how teams have lined up to even talk with him. ESPN was reporting that James was meeting with a number of teams during various days and his schedule looked something like this: Nets at 11:00 a.m., Nicks at 1p.m., and then another team to follow. It is crazy to think that sports teams are drooling over one player so much. It is also sad to think that he met with some teams, knowing that they never had a chance. It is interesting to see how James, Wade, and Bosch all had their contracts made so that they would become free agents at the same time. Various articles on cover James's footsteps until he makes his free agency position.

I figured it would be a good time to talk about how influential these high stock players can be and how crazy it is what teams are paying them. James currently makes around 20 million dollars a year compared to a salary chart of Missourians where an attorney or lawyer makes 72,790 on average. It's safe to say that James is crazy rich. Oh and I forgot the part about him making 12.8 million dollars a year with Nike, the contract which he signed before he went into the NBA out of high school. I always think it is interesting to think about how much these high profile players make and how much these teams must be raking in to keep up with growing salaries. What do these players do with the money besides buying ridiculously nice houses and cars? Think about it, if James makes 20 million dollars a year, not to mention his Nike contract among other things, let's say he buys an extravagant 4 million dollar home and cars that total to 1 million dollars. What does he do with the remaining money? Obviously he has taxes and whatnot to pay, but that's a lot of pocket change! So he buys a house and some cars and has 15 million left….hmmm…what to do now? And he's going to get more money next year. Many of us can only imagine what we would do with that kind of money. Coming from someone that currently has student loans and works at the school for 7.75, it is crazy to think about even having an extra couple hundred dollars and we're talking about millions here!

Don't get me wrong, Lebron James is an amazing basketball player and future shoe-in hall of famer.

I'm just stating the obvious because we all know we've thought about it. Sometimes I think these teams are paying too much money for some players. I love to see God given talent perform well on the court, but I also like to see them pay it back off the court too. I think it's great when you hear about guys like Kobe, Wade, or James putting some back into their communities or spreading their blessing to others. I know you only hear about the high profile players too, which is too bad. Sometimes I think about how regular season games are a joke because no one will play defense or it's a sprint to see who can score the most points. Times are changing but whatever happened to playing for the love of the game? I think some players have forgotten about that aspect. People have forgotten that money isn't everything too.

Again, don't get me wrong, I believe that God given talents should be displayed and paid well for it. I don't like the fact that all the news cares about is how well they play. Maybe they should talk about another aspect of a player's profile. How about including community service? It's too bad that not many people think about it nor care to hear about anything but the game. I love to see prodigy players proving themselves as much as anyone else, but I don't just judge a player on his athletic ability.

Things You Should Know on Facebook

Facebook has become a way of life for most people. Placing information and photos on the internet has become second nature to many individuals. People do not think twice to post things such as "Trip to Florida for a week!" or "Home alone, nothing to do." Sure, it seems harmless, but the internet has become a source of information for anyone who wishes to obtain it. I may be talking about the worst case scenario, but what if someone is creeping on your Facebook page because your information is available to anyone? I thought an article that I came across while looking on was very informational and helpful. The article titled 10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know. Discussed what every Facebook user should know and be aware of when he or she is using the site. The article consisted of a list that outlined the basic things to be aware of such as:

1) Use your lists to organize who can view your profile and information
2) Remove yourself from Facebook search results
3) Remove yourself from Google or other search engine searches
4) Avoid unwanted photo or video tags
5) Protect your photo albums
6) Prevent stories from showing up in news feeds
7) Protect against publishes by applications
8) Make your contact information private
9) Avoid embarrassing wall posts
10) Keep your friendships private.

The article itself is very informational. Facebook can be a good or bad thing. I would recommend each individual that uses Facebook to visit title and review your personal settings because obviously the list I made does not discuss how to. Once I saw the article I immediately changed mine. Don't get me wrong, Facebook is a great way to stay connected to friends and events, but most of one's information should stay private.

Many users are careless as they post their lives on the site daily for anyone to see.

Personally I don't care if you dyed your hair, got drunk last night, or hooked up with some guy or girl. It's almost sad how technologically advanced we have become, yet most people are unaware of how available their information is to whoever may wish to see it. Some users have gotten smart and experimented with their settings, but many individuals have not. When will people learn that it's not cool if you have 1,000 Facebook friends, 15 of them being good friends and the remaining 985 from high school, college, or people one has met at a random party. Of course it's entertaining to see someone I know head down in a toilet, passed out with marker on their face, or jumping from a roof, but we should all think before posting these sort of things online. Carelessness can mean not being accepted into school, not receiving that scholarship, or not receiving that job you thought you had in the bag, or for that matter it can mean being kicked out of school, losing that scholarship, or losing a job among other things. People need to think twice about what they are doing on the Internet, not just Facebook. Most people know not to give out their credit card number to a foreigner who calls so why can't we learn to not give out basically the same information on the Internet?

Moral of the story: be responsible, don't be careless, and remember IGNORANCE IS NOT AN EXCUSE.


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