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Reddit Why Do People Think Rfunny Is Funny

Posted by

Extra Fabulous Comics

two months ago

It'south hard to make friends

r/funny - It's hard to make friends

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level 1

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level ane

I moved to a new city a year ago.. A guy on a local reddit board complained about information technology being tough to run across new people in your thirty'due south..

I sent him a message letting him know I'd be up for grabbing a beer if he wanted because I didn't know anyone in the metropolis.

No response...

level 2

I had a similar situation in a mom'due south group. A mom was saying she was alone and wished she had a friend. I offered to hang out and she declined bc I don't have equally many kids equally her and wouldn't sympathize her.

level 2

It's this whole vibe of "I know how weird I am, then if you're willing to hang out with me , (or "even more desperate than me", or stick in any other self-insecurity and project it) human you must be a psychopath."

Online dating is kind of the same. Information technology's like "Wait, yous're pretty attractive...why did yous lucifer with me? Y'all must have something wrong with you. Pass."

level 2

Too much is made of turning 30.

level 2

Welcome to todays world where everyone complains but doesn't exercise anything to modify their state of affairs

level two

Well meeting people off of reddit is a pretty expert way to get murdered.

level ii

Who the hell wants to be friends with some random person they never met? The whole reason why it's then difficult later on in life, is because you go to know yourself better, and know what type of person you want to hang out with. Yous, and everybody in your age group, just become more than picky nigh who they desire every bit in company.

level two

Practiced gesture but when I recall about information technology, building a friendship on a foundation of knowing each other'south reddit accounts is a hell of a way to start things off

level ii

That's been my experience every time. I've responded to like v different reddit posts and no one e'er messages back.

level 2

Cos if you see someone from Reddit, chances are they'll be a Doreen.

level 2

I've posted somewhere earlier and some places y'all go inundated with letters. I'chiliad 28M. Responding to posts is way harder and I call up all but 1 or 2 interactions have fallen through.

People are as well lazy though. Sometimes they want to already be accepted into some existing circle, and don't want to be run across another friendless similar themselves (which is the incorrect mentality to have)

level 2

Your story reminds me of a friend I had in high school. He'd always post stuff online about being lone. We'd started drifting autonomously at this point due to us both beingness in higher and because he was an ass merely we were nonetheless kind of friends, so I popped him a message when I saw him post on Instagram. He wasn't at all interested in conversation, replying as blank-basic every bit possible. A couple of years ago he started trying to creepily hit on my sister and a female friend via Facebook. We'd long stopped talking at that betoken, simply there's kind of a moment where I was like "why was I friends with this dude?" Anyway, seems like he was hoping women would message him.

level ii

I've institute some of those people have all kinds of anxieties and what they declare on public forums anonymously are things they wish they could practice simply don't for those reasons and more. Otherwise they desire a cookie cutter person to step into the role of "friend"

level 2

I'm sure your intentions were good and it'south very nice to attain out to a stranger, but I have to say there is no fucking fashion I'd meet upwardly with an internet stranger for an impromptu beer.


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